2 More Kittens (Crazy!), Sharing Good Stuff, a Magical Swiss Valley, Female Adventurers and Much More...

2 More Kittens (Crazy!), Sharing Good Stuff, a Magical Swiss Valley, Female Adventurers and Much More...
Wandering Earl Travel Email
As this global situation continues, we've decided to set up some official rules over here in Ubud:
Rule #1: No more walks. (Georgiana found two more abandoned kittens during her walk yesterday. Locals said that this one spot in the jungle is where people from the area abandoned kittens all the time. Luckily we got them to a great home but seriously, we can't take it any more.)

Rule #2: No more sleep. (Between our kitten waking up, spiders the size of my palm and a small scorpion running around the house, we've accepted the fact that a peaceful sleep simply isn't happening.)
Rule #3: Only 15 minutes of news per day. (Anything more than this is not good for our sanity. That's never been clearer.)
Rule #4: Start talking about travel again. (Great for sanity! The countries of Georgia, Azerbaijan and Japan, as well as my early years as an explorer - see below - have all been topics of conversation these last few days.)
What activities have been keeping you sane lately?


Sharing the Love
Here's some more of the blog posts, websites, videos and offerings that you recently shared with me!
Finally, Belle is a nurse in Florida and she gave me permission to share this inspiring email that she recently sent me:
"I am an ICU nurse in Central Florida. And no, we (our hospital/area) have not reached NY level intensity, yet. In fact, our census is low... others say it is the calm before the storm. I hope and pray our local leaders are taking this lull to prepare us for what is coming in the weeks to come. I am sure you have heard about healthcare workers' plight about the shortage in supplies and PPEs (personal protective equipment = masks, gowns, gloves). And not to become political but unfortunately, government response has been slow and lacking. They are coming, but a little too late. First responders and healthcare workers getting sick, others now dead due to the lack of PPE. However, despite this, there are people out there, good people that inspire us to continue this fight. Private individuals, communities and small business owners helping out by making masks or protective suits. Local restaurants giving out free food and drinks (when they shouldn't be because they are affected economically too). Big companies offering to make much needed ventilators. Cities and neighborhoods making noise at 7 or 8pm to cheer healthcare workers leaving work or coming into work at shift change. I have friends all over the world sharing medical knowledge and tips and hacks on how to conserve these PPEs. People coming up with ideas, crazy or not, practical or not, just to help out. If anything this virus has taught us, it is in trusting and relying on one another and in the inherent goodness of people. We may be apart physically but now more than ever, we feel so close to one another. This virus has taught the world a lot of important lessons."
A glimpse of Bali - passion fruit growing right outside our place
The rest of this week's travel email... 
101-Year-Old Guru
This inspiring 101-year-old yoga teacher in New York City shares some great advice about life and finding beauty in the world. Such a sweet video.
Lauterbrunnen Valley
magical Swiss valley surrounded by cliffs, mountains and waterfalls. Seriously, what else do you need?
Iranian Culture
Here's some stunning photos showing a handful of Iran's incredible cultural sites.

Female Adventurers Who Broke The Rules
A pirate, a master spy and an archeologist from the 1800’s are a few of the amazing women who did not care what society expected of them.

The World’s Quietest Room
Located at Microsoft's headquarters, this is recognized by the Guinness World Records as the quietest room in the world.
Eat With Locals
Always one of my favorite travel platforms, EatWith allows you to book unique culinary experiences with locals wherever you travel.
Wishing you sanity and good healthy over the next week and please do get in touch if you want to say hello!


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Wandering Earl Tours - Ready to join one of my small-group tours to some really cool destinations around the world once this current global situation has passed?
Travel Insurance - Be sure to check out Safety Wing, my personal favorite for incredibly affordable travel insurance.
Cruise ship jobs - While cruise lines are not hiring right now, they will be hiring thousands of new crew members once they start up again. My popular e-Guide How to Work on a Cruise Ship will help you get a rewarding job on board a cruise ship once the time is right.
Travel resources - My updated Travel Resources with the booking sites, gear, apps and more that I use on my own travels.

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