2012-06-06 12:57:14-04
Wandering Earl
When people ask me why I blog, I always give the same reason. I simply state that I want to help others understand that a life of travel, which basically means having travel play a significant role in your life, is so much more possible than most people ever imagine. And I am constantly reminding myself of that mission every time I write a post, reply to my emails and use social media. So whenever I receive a message from someone who was inspired by my blog and who started traveling as a result of reading my posts, I can’t explain how wonderful that makes me feel. It also makes me feel even better when such a person explains that the decision to start traveling was the best decision they had ever made. And luckily, almost everyone I hear from says that very thing! And because my goal is to prove that a life of travel is quite realistic, I am always trying to think of new ways to spread my message to even more people. That’s why, for the past five months, I’ve been working quite hard on a project that I’ve been wanting to put together for a while, a project that I sincerely hope will convince even more people that giving up on your travel goals should not be an option. Well, after four straight nights of almost no sleep, as I put the finishing touches on this project, I am so very happy to announce the launch of the…
âHow to Live a Life of Travelâ eGuide
In short, this eGuide consists of everything you need to know to live a life of travel. It’s 220 pages in length and it’s full of carefully created material, which you can read more about right here on this page: How to Live a Life of Travel As you can tell, I’m not into fancy eBook launches. I’ve finished the product and I just want to make it available. Of course, I do hope the word will spread and if you happen to know of anyone who might find this guide useful, I certainly would appreciate you passing along the link to them. And that’s it. I really do hope that many of you will benefit from this product and as you can see on the How to Live a Life of Travel page, I’ve tried to do my very best to make this the only resource you’ll need to achieve your goal of long-term travel. (I even throw in unlimited personal travel support.) In addition, and before I end this short post, I just want to express my appreciation to all of you for being a part of this wonderful community. I absolutely love what this blog has become and I have each and every one of you to thank for that! Now I’m going to try and get some sleep.