My last newsletter was written from French Polynesia, while on the gorgeous island of Moorea. And since that newsletter, I've visited a couple of more destinations that were pretty sweet I must say...
After Moorea, we went to Bora Bora. I had no idea what to really expect on this island but the reality is that I was blown away even more than I could have ever imagined. Upon arrival at the tiny airport we were picked up by boat and transferred 20 minutes to our hotel, surrounded by such remarkable scenery that the trip would have been a success just from that boat ride alone.
But then we arrived and the experience - complete with an over the water bungalow - continued to get even better. We were there for three days and yet, time went by so slowly. Every day was somehow long, full of nature walks, swimming, paddle boarding, great food and simply staring out at the remoteness of it all.
Bora Bora is paradise. It is perfect. So unbelievably beautiful with its towering and dramatic volcanic mountains, water of a deep milky blueish hue that I have never seen before, the whitest of sand, tropical flowers and trees in insane abundance, a plethora of singing birds and colorful marine life to keep anyone in constant awe and a 100% serene existence that is nothing but a once-in-a-lifetime treat for the mind and body.
Yeah, I loved it. And I can't recommend it enough.
Journey from Tahiti to Paris
After paradise came to an end, it was time for the journey from Tahiti to Paris. That was a bit nutty. It took place on French Bee Airlines (which I mentioned lat time) and involved a 9 hour flight from Tahiti to San Francisco, a 1.5 hour layover and a 10.5 hour flight to Paris. And this all happened on one of the most uncomfortable planes you could possibly fly on.
Luckily, luckily, luckily...there was an empty seat in our row, or else we would have been so cramped for this journey that I might not have boarded the second leg of the trip.
As we booked our flights relatively late, we had few options and we figured, how bad can French Bee actually be? Well, it's pretty rough with their very narrow seats and tight legroom. With their low prices, it would be a great deal for flights up to 2 or 3 hours. But for a 21 hour journey...not ideal.
Paris in 3 Days
Paris was great! We spent a quick 3 days there. Most of the time, in between fighting off jet lag, we wandered around random neighborhoods, admiring the architecture and looking for hidden passageways, covered galleries and cozy parks.
We also sipped coffee at as many literary cafes as we could. I personally could sit in a cafe such as
La Closerie des Lilas or Les Deux Magots for hours on end, soaking up the omnipresent intellectual atmosphere created by the presence of so many great writers, so many years ago.
Of course, baguette sandwiches, fresh pastries and a great lunch at the classic
Bouillon Chartier were part of the plan too during this very rewarding layover.
From Paris, it was on to Romania, where I am right now. I'll be here for a couple of more weeks before returning to the US for a family event.
Finally, in next week's newsletter, I'll be sharing some big news!