[A LIFE OF TRAVEL] I Got a New Passport in One Day and Bhutan Got Cheaper!

[A LIFE OF TRAVEL] I Got a New Passport in One Day and Bhutan Got Cheaper!
A big welcome to the 24 new subscribers who recently signed up!
A Life of Travel

It's Tuesday and it's time for a travel newsletter!
First, my new goal in life is to wake up at least once per week feeling exactly like this guy in Uganda. (Sound on for maximum effect!)
Second, last week I got my new passport. My old passport still had 5 years of validity but it was completely full. And since the current waiting time for a US passport is 7-9 weeks for expedited service, I decided to make use of one other, lesser used method.
  1. I called the US Passport Agency general phone number and told them I was traveling within 2 weeks.
  2. They gave me an appointment 10 days later at the closest Passport Agency (for me it was in Washington DC but there are 26 offices around the country).
  3. I drove to DC the night before, showed up at my 9:30am appointment and 20 minutes later I handed over my paperwork. They told me to return at 2pm.
  4. At 2pm I returned and 30 minutes later they handed me my new passport.

*When I handed in my paperwork, I checked the box for a "Large book" (50 pages) instead of a standard one (26 pages). The staff confirmed all was well. But when I picked up my new passport, it was a small one. So I waited 2.5 more hours for a thicker one to be printed. Without that issue, it would've been shockingly smooth, but even with this hiccup it was a remarkably fast experience.


*In order to use this 'passport in one day' service, you need to have either:

  • proof of a flight ticket within 2 weeks of your appointment date or
  • a need to obtain a visa within the next 30 days

In the end though, the staff didn't seem to check my printed flight confirmation at all but I wouldn't show up without one.


I know that in some countries it's possible to get a passport quite quickly through the normal methods. In other countries, the process can take many, many months. In the US, the above is definitely the fastest option.

On another note, Bhutan (see below), Tonga and Papua New Guinea are all destinations that came up in conversation this week...all of which led to extreme excitement and perhaps some flight searches :)

wandering earl tours

Next year will be my 11th year offering small group tours! It's almost hard to believe. And in 2024, we're heading to quite a variety of destinations. If you want to go beyond the main highlights, check out our unique small group tours that are all based on my personal travels!
Here's the list of 2024 trips we'll be offering so far: Wandering Earl Tours 2024

capitol to capitol quest


My friend and fellow blogger, Sherry Ott, has embarked on quite a journey. She's following in her father's footsteps. Her dad had a goal of walking to every capitol building in the US and in the end, he managed to walk to 23 of them.
Now, Sherry's taking over and she's on a mission to complete the goal. But she's doing it in her own style - visiting the remaining capitols by bike.
Sherry is also doing this for herself. As soon as she decided to take on this quest, she found a sense of purpose that had been missing for some time. And she doesn't hesitate to share her deepest feelings with those who follow along.
You can follow along with her adventure here:
Youtube Episode #1 - A Lark
Youtube Episode #2 - Pierre, South Dakota
Go Sherry! You definitely got this!

around the globe

🇮🇹 Most Underrated City in the World
I laughed when I read this article. For years I've told people that this wonderful Italian city is the most underrated and overlooked, and now I'm not the only one!
🇧🇹 Bhutan's Tourist Discount
Known as an expensive destination to visit due to the daily fee the country charges tourists, Bhutan is making a change. Starting in September, the $200 per day tourist fee will be cut in half for a period of four years.
🪦🐫 Retired Statues and Animals
In Budapest, Hungary, one can visit a graveyard for communist statues. And in New York City, a park for retired playground animals recently opened.
✈️ Tight Legroom
This Vox video shows how legroom on airplanes got so tight over the years.


🗺️ Very Expensive Maps
This fascinating podcast is hosted by a cartographer who interviews 'better cartographers' about how they create the detailed maps we use in places such as National Parks, cities, subways and more.
🍝 Germany's Spaghetti Ice Cream
Every year, 30 million cups of spaghetti ice cream (spaghettieis) are sold in German ice cream shops. It was innocently invented in the 1960s and continues to be a staple of German desserts. (Yes, it looks like a bowl of spaghetti!)
🌳 The Colombian Warlord Saving the Amazon
Ten hours south of Bogota, the leader of a cocaine empire has halted deforestation in the region of the Amazon under his control. While his motives are not fully clear, it has certainly had a positive effect. 
🏔️ Extreme Locations
Use this list of 7 extreme locations on Earth to fuel your wanderlust!
where in the world? 
A big congratulations is going out to Jennifer and Stephanie! They were the only two who correctly guessed the location of the photo in the last newsletter.
The photo was taken at the Palacio do Grilo restaurant in Lisbon, Portugal. Located in a 300 year old palace, the dining experience is unique to say the least. It's live theater, where all of the staff are performers and there are some truly bizarre things happening around you all the time. It's well worth the experience!

This week's photo:
It's time to guess...where was the below photo taken?
If you have a guess (the more specific the better), click reply and let me know. Anyone who guesses correctly will be mentioned in next week's newsletter!
This newsletter is always free but it does take time and money to put together. If you wish to help support it, kindly forward it to people you know, shop for my favorite travel gear (I receive a small cut), make a donation or join one of my unique small group trips to some spectacular destinations.

Thank you so much for reading!
