A Life of Travel: Here's a Chance to Live in Sicily for a Year (for free)

A Life of Travel: Here's a Chance to Live in Sicily for a Year (for free)
Current location: Florida, USA
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A Life of Travel

It's Tuesday and it's time for a travel newsletter!
the update
  1. Exploring Florida. Even though I'm stuck here in Florida for the time being, there have still been opportunities for some exploring. Yes, my hip hurts a good amount and I'm limited in how much walking I can do, but that has not kept me from getting out of the house and moving a little. Last week, I managed to visit the Busch Wildlife Sanctuary, a nature and rescue center for all kinds of Florida wildlife. There was also a visit to Riverbend Park in Jupiter, which was full of beautiful trails through the lush tropical jungle. Both made for excellent, much-needed outings into nature, to help keep me sane.
  2. Eastern Caribbean Dollars. Before going on the cruise I took in December, I reminded myself to take the Eastern Caribbean Dollars that I had in my 'foreign money envelope'. That envelope is full of money left over from various countries I've visited. The Eastern Caribbean Dollars were from my days working on board cruise ships, some 14 years ago. Of course, in the end, I forgot to bring the ECD with me. Then, while on the Caribbean island of St. Lucia during the cruise, thinking I was smart, I went to an ATM and took out a bunch of Eastern Caribbean Dollars to spend instead of USD. I knew that I would use those ECDs in the next two ports, St. Kitts and Grenada. Naturally, the ship then cancelled our visits to St. Kitts and Grenada and I was left with $120 more Eastern Caribbean Dollars that I cannot use. So if you need some ECD for an upcoming trip, let me know!

    (Side note: The Eastern Caribbean Dollar has been around since the 1960s and is used by 8 Caribbean states - Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Anguilla and Montserrat.)
  3. An Inspiring Letter. One of my favorite authors, Kurt Vonnegut, once wrote a letter to some high school students, where he shared his wisdom about art, life and growing your soul, as only he can do.
quick travel news
  1. The State of Cheap Flights Report: This comprehensive report by Scott's Cheap Flights looks at the state of travel in 2022, with details on travel expectations, expected flight prices and much more.
  2. The Gates of Hell are Closing: Turkmenistan is making plans to put out its Gates of Hell fire pit that has been burning nonstop since 1971.
  3. Northern Pacific Airways: A new airline plans to operate budget-friendly flights between the US, South Korea and Japan, with a stop in Anchorage, Alaska.
a chance to win
  1. Roam Remotely Sweepstakes: Kayak.com is giving away a $10,000 all-expenses trip to work and travel anywhere in the world. The entry form takes 5 seconds to complete. (It is only open to US citizens though.)
  2. Sicily + Free Airbnb = Dream Gig: Airbnb is giving away a 1 year stay at an incredible, spacious house in Sicily. You stay for free, manage any guests that book the other private room and you can keep the income earned through the rental property. It's a sweet deal and most nationalities can enter!

around the globe

An Extreme Monastery
While you're not allowed inside, the impossibly-located Katskhi Pillar monastery in Georgia is a destination to put on your list. You can get to the foot of the crazy pillar via a 20 minute hike and will be rewarded with some impressive views.


Cameron Highlands
Last week I mentioned that Malaysia has been on my mind lately. This long list of cool destinations and activities in the Cameron Highlands is one of the reasons.


Hitchhiking in Canada
On some of British Columbia's islands, hitchhiking is not only legal, but it's encouraged through a new ride-sharing program that connects locals and tourists.


Tapi Tapi Ice Cream
In Cape Town, South Africa, one man is trying to revolutionize food. His first project is the Tapi Tapi ice cream shop with flavors (such as edible clay and millet couscous) that are only made of fresh ingredients endemic to Africa. 


Biryani Goodness
Probably the most fascinating read you will ever find about biryani, one of the subcontinent's most popular and delicious street foods.

The Most Beautiful Village
The village of Zalipie, Poland is certainly unlike any other, with bright, colorful paintings to be found EVERYWHERE, including on the outside and inside of local homes.

Hebrides Islands
Read this article about the magic of Scotland's Hebrides Islands and let the travel inspiration flow.

where in the world?

Only one person came somewhat close with guessing the above photo - Kevan believed that it was taken somewhere in Ukraine.
Yes, it was taken at the quirky Museum of Useless Things in Kiev.
This museum is not in the city center. In fact, it's located across the Dnieper River in a rather unappealing industrial area. But once you get there, and find someone on the site to let you in, you'll have a chance to wander through a large space of, well, things. All kinds of things. All kinds of useless things - figurines, telephones, utensils, books, sunglasses, pictures, clocks and on and on. It might sound dull but its wackiness makes for quite an enjoyable excursion.
And now...
This week's photo
Where in the world is it?
The Rules
1. Try to figure out where the above photo was taken.
2. Reply to this email with your guess.
3. The more specific the guess, the better!
4. The location will be revealed in next week's newsletter.
Good luck :)
This newsletter is always free but it does take time and money to put together. If you wish to help support it, kindly forward it to people you know, shop for my favorite travel gear (I receive a small cut), make a donation or join one of my unique small group trips to some spectacular destinations.

Thank you so much for reading!

(my middle name is Earl)
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