A Life of Travel: I'm Back in the USA, But Only for 2 Weeks...

A Life of Travel: I'm Back in the USA, But Only for 2 Weeks...
Current location: Florida, USA
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A Life of Travel

It's Tuesday and it's time for a travel newsletter!
Back in the USA
Last night I arrived in Florida after spending the past two weeks in Romania. 
And once again, my string of flight luck continued. Despite all of the delays, cancellations and confusion involved with air travel at the moment, I somehow have managed to bounce around Europe, the Middle East, Morocco and now to the US, without any issues apart from a couple of small delays.
Perhaps the weirdest thing about my recent travels is that it was actually cheaper for me to fly with Lufthansa Airlines from Bucharest - Frankfurt - Miami in Premium Economy than it was to fly in regular Economy. I'm not sure how that works but when I saw the Premium Economy ticket at such a discount, I naturally took it. And it certainly made for a much more comfortable journey.
Now I'm in Florida for the next two weeks, with a schedule full of visiting with family and friends and updating some of my travel gear.
After the US
From the US, I'll be traveling back to Lisbon for about 3 weeks before continuing on to Morocco. I'm heading back to Lisbon because I really am starting to appreciate having a sense of community.
Lisbon is probably the city where I know the most people and being able to show up and suddenly have all kinds of people to hang out with and activities to participate in makes a huge difference. It's the one thing I miss the most from this life of constant travel and now I want to focus more on making sure I do spend time among a community when I can.
Try Something New
In my current effort to branch out of my comfort zone even more and start trying some new things, I did something that I never thought I would be able to handle. I took an ice bath.
This happened a few weeks ago before I left Lisbon for Romania. I joined a group of friends and we did a short Wim Hof breathing session followed by individual turns sitting in the ice bath.
The temperature of the water was 0C (32F). Naturally, I didn't think I would last for more than half a second given my very strong aversion to cold. But sure enough, I got in there and somehow lasted for a few minutes. And it wasn't brutal. It wasn't fun, but it wasn't brutal and by the end, I was quite calm and relaxed despite the extreme cold.
The biggest benefit was how energized I felt afterwards. It lasted for a couple of days and I felt so good that I am actually looking forward to doing another ice bath as soon as I can.
It's all about trying something new. What's something new you can try today? (Yes, today. Why wait?)

around the globe

Wild Atlantic Way
You simply can't go wrong with a road trip along Ireland's Wild Atlantic Way.
Spomenik Database (this is very cool!)
Have you heard about Spomeniks? They are odd monuments from the second world war that were erected throughout the Balkans, often in the middle of nowhere. This comprehensive Spomenik database shows you where they are located. It would take a person months to see them all!
Assateague Island
This is the story of the 6 rangers who work in the state park on Maryland's Assateague Island. It's an island that seemingly offers visitors endless activities and its 85 wild horses keep things interesting at all times.


Lighthouse for Sale
In case you're looking for a quieter life...there's an island, lighthouse and 5-bedroom house for sale in Scotland for a reasonable $425,000.


World's 50 Best Restaurants
While somewhat controversial, here's one for the foodies...a list of this year's 50 Best Restaurants in the World.


Train Trip Awards
For the train lovers among us...try these spectacular train journeys, most of which take place on some rather spectacular trains.
Panama's Colorful Clothing
It's called a mola. This type of colorful, embroidered and beautiful dress is instantly recognizable in Panama and it comes with its own unique history
Japan and Vending Machines
For something different, you can visit a town in Japan that is undeniably the vintage vending machine capital of the world!
where in the world?

This week I want to congratulate Steve and Hemang for correctly guessing the location of the above photo!
The image is of Dubrovnik, Croatia.
While not the standard view of the old town, this was taken from the balcony of the Airbnb that we rented, up on the hill. Dubrovnik is still not my favorite place in the world but I'm happy anywhere that offers such a sunset as this one!
And now...
This week's photo
Where in the world is it?
The Rules
1. Try to figure out where the above photo was taken.
2. Reply to this email with your guess.
3. The more specific the guess, the better!
4. The location will be revealed in next week's newsletter.

Good luck :)
This newsletter is always free but it does take time and money to put together. If you wish to help support it, kindly forward it to people you know, shop for my favorite travel gear (I receive a small cut), make a donation or join one of my unique small group trips to some spectacular destinations.

Thank you so much for reading!

(my middle name is Earl)
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