A Life of Travel: Now I'm in Lisbon, Portugal (only for 2 weeks)

A Life of Travel: Now I'm in Lisbon, Portugal (only for 2 weeks)
Current location: Lisbon, Portugal
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A Life of Travel

It's Tuesday and it's time for a travel newsletter!
Sofia, Bulgaria (fun and work)
It was two fun, productive weeks in Sofia, Bulgaria. My time was spent catching up with work (a big thank you to Coffee Fellows, my main go-to cafe to get work done each morning) and hanging out with friends.
Sofia might be a random place to catch up with people, but that's how this traveling lifestyle works. There were four of us who met up and we had all been hanging out in Playa del Carmen, Mexico just last year. Now we were all at McCarthy's Irish Pub in Sofia for karaoke night. Of course, it is no longer surreal when such random meetups happen in such random destinations, but it's wickedly fun nonetheless.

When you see friends while traveling, one must take full advantage as you'll often never know when you'll see them again.
(And yes, I sang at karaoke night. I got suckered into singing "Shallow" with my friend Crystal.)
Lisbon, Portugal (a familiar place)
And then I arrived in Lisbon. I'll be here for 2 weeks before returning to Romania for 3 weeks. The bouncing around never seems to stop!
Here in Lisbon, there's a large community of digital nomads and remote workers that call this city home. I know several people here, I've been before and as a result, it didn't take long to get into the community. The day after I arrived I joined a group of 10 people for a beach day and dinner in the nearby town of Estoril. It was perfect.
There's something to be said for returning to destinations that you've already been to before. I personally love the feeling of arriving somewhere familiar and only needing five minutes to adjust.
Lisbon is one of those places for me. I've only been here for 3 days this time but I feel like I've been here for 3 months. My brain is free from having to constantly figure out how to get around, where to find what I need, how much things cost and so on...which allows me to focus more on connecting with people and being part of a community. This mental break is quite appealing at times.
We'll see how the next two weeks go!

quick thoughts

Pico Iyer shares 3 questions he asks himself after every trip in order to gain the most from his experiences.


A Quote

"Formal education is not nearly as important as an unquenchable thirst to learn." - James Clear


Question: What country is the world's largest producer of bagpipes?

Answer: Pakistan

around the globe

The World's Greatest Places 2022
Time Magazine has put together a collection of 50 extraordinary places to explore. It's difficult not to find some travel inspiration from this list.
Wellness Travel Report
Iceland Air released a report that ranked worldwide destinations by their suitability for those who want to work on their wellness. Spoiler: Kansas City is ranked #1 (not what I expected either!)
25 Best Islands in the World
Rankings like this are silly but if you love islands as much as I do, there are always new travel ideas to be found when you see so many beautiful islands in one place!


Cultural Immersion in Nepal
A friend of mine recently participated in, and loved, the Volunteer Society Nepal's introduction to Nepal program for foreigners. For 300€ per week, you get food, accommodation with a local host family, airport pickup, language lessons and daily tours in Kathmandu.


Germany's 9 Euro Train Ticket
For a mere 9 Euros, you can travel unlimited on Germany's regional and local trains for an entire month during July and August.


Laughing Around the Globe
Here's how people laugh online in different languages - from LOL to 55555.
New Visa to Live in Costa Rica 
If you work online and earn more than $3000 per month, you can now live in Costa Rica with their new digital nomad visa.
The Messy State of Air Travel
Airline travel is a mess these days. Here's an explanation why.
Bhutan Gets Even More Expensive
As Bhutan opens up again for tourism, the rules for visiting have changed. Now you'll be able to go independently or on any organized tour you want, but you'll need to pay a $200 per night sustainability fee. The fee is in addition to all other travel-related expenses, making a visit remarkably pricey.
Lithuanian Ice Cream
The small country of Lithuania is trying to lure travelers with crazy ice cream flavors created by the nation's chefs. Mackerel ice cream with bread crumbs?
India's Next Big Street Food?
Snacks and drinks made with sattu flour, a combination of ground cereals and pulses, seem to be one of the hottest trends in the massive street food industry of India. I'll be back in India in November and will be trying this stuff out in Delhi for sure!
Sky Hotel
In one of the more ridiculous travel videos I've seen in a while, this nuclear-powered Sky Hotel seems intriguing, but a bit impossible to turn into reality.
where in the world?

This week I want to congratulate Morgan, Elzet, Neil, Neama, Kevan and Sudhindra for correctly guessing the location of the above photo!
The image is from Stellenbosch, South Africa (Bilton Wines winery to be exact).
Who doesn't love a good wine region? Stellenbosch is gorgeous, with wine-tasting opportunities that also offer spectacular views of the surrounding nature. However, as one reader pointed out, nearby Franschhoek is also worth a visit despite being smaller. Franschhoek's scenery is even more impressive and they also have no shortage of excellent wines and usually fewer travelers.
And now...
This week's photo
Where in the world is it?
The Rules
1. Try to figure out where the above photo was taken.
2. Reply to this email with your guess.
3. The more specific the guess, the better!
4. The location will be revealed in next week's newsletter.

Good luck :)
This newsletter is always free but it does take time and money to put together. If you wish to help support it, kindly forward it to people you know, shop for my favorite travel gear (I receive a small cut), make a donation or join one of my unique small group trips to some spectacular destinations.

Thank you so much for reading!

(my middle name is Earl)
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