A Life of Travel: How to Take a Walk...and a Huge Thank You to My Grandmother

A Life of Travel: How to Take a Walk...and a Huge Thank You to My Grandmother
Current location: Casablanca, Morocco
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A Life of Travel

It's Tuesday and it's time for a travel newsletter...
Thank You, Sunny
Last week, my grandmother Sonia (aka Sunny) passed away at the age of 95. I flew from Lisbon to Boston for a few days so that I could be at the funeral. It wasn't easy.
I was quite close with my grandmother. For the past 20 years, she would always insist that I call her every couple of weeks, no matter where in the world I might be. I would see her often, ever since I was a kid. It didn't change when I grew up either, despite my nonstop travels. Over the past few years, whenever I was in Florida, we would go out for brunch or dinner often and I would try to help her with shopping or whatever else she needed.
Since she absolutely did not like to sit still, I knew that my visits to the US would involve an abnormal amount of running around. But I didn't mind.
Up until the very end, my grandmother lived life her way.
Even at 95, she woke up every single morning and got dressed in clothes far more fashionable than most hip young adults. She would make sure her apartment was clean and organized. She would take a seat on the sofa and open the newspaper, and make sure that she was never far from her phone. She knew that she had to be ready.
She always wanted to be ready for what the day might bring, even if she didn't have a single plan. She was aware that if she wasn't fully prepared to take advantage of the surprises, opportunities, interactions and activities that appeared in life, they would pass her by. And when that happens, life becomes dull, unfulfilling and to her, a waste.
To me, this was an admirable approach. It made me realize the importance of always being ready, even when nothing seems to be happening. It involves being open, curious, confident and determined to make the most out of every moment. This approach is the reason I've been able to achieve my crazy travel goals, my never-ending work goals and my diverse personal goals.
I don't ever want to miss out on anything that could have an impact on my life (hence the reason I can't shake my addiction to travel). If I'm not ready, I will miss out.
The rewards I gain from my intense drive to make the most out of my time on this planet are all thanks to my grandmother. She set the perfect example, every single day. Thank you so much, Sunny.

Me, my mom and my grandmother. 

how to take a walk

Few people know how to take a walk. The qualifications are endurance, plain clothes, old shoes, an eye for nature, good humor, vast curiosity, good speech, good silence and nothing too much." —Ralph Waldo Emerson


[I love this quote.]

around the globe

The 25 Best Islands
It's just a list based on random factors but these 25 islands might be worth looking at for future travels!
World's Coolest Streets
The focus is food, fun, culture and community and these are the coolest streets on the planet that provide it all.
Teapot Stew of Kabul
The city's oldest restaurant serves up traditional lamb stew in colorful teapots, using an old family recipe that hasn't changed for 70 years.

Indigenous Travel Experiences
When visiting Canada, here's a way to add interesting and rewarding indigenous travel experiences to your itinerary.


Purchase the Empty Plane Seat Next to You
Qantas Airlines is testing out a new idea - allowing passengers to book the seat next to them for a lower fee. You have to wait until 48 hours before the flight but the proposed costs are quite low.


A Moon in Dubai
Coming soon to Dubai...the Moon, of course.
Best Baguette in Paris
One of France's top bakers explains exactly how to find the best bread.
How to Take Good Photos in Boring Locations
A short video on how to turn even the most seemingly boring locations into beautiful locations with your camera.
where in the world?

This week I want to congratulate Morgan and Steve for correctly guessing the location of the photo above!
The image is from my recent trip to Iraq. It's a photo of the new Central Bank Tower that is being built in the Jadriyah neighborhood of Baghdad!
If you've wanted to visit Iraq, or the idea of such an experience sounds fascinating, I still have a few spots left on my Wander Across Iraq tour for March 2023! It is going to be an epic adventure for those who join :)
And now...
This week's photo
Where in the world is it?
The Rules
1. Try to figure out where the above photo was taken.
2. Reply to this email with your guess.
3. The more specific the guess, the better!
4. The location will be revealed in next week's newsletter.

Good luck :)
This newsletter is always free but it does take time and money to put together. If you wish to help support it, kindly forward it to people you know, shop for my favorite travel gear (I receive a small cut), make a donation or join one of my unique small group trips to some spectacular destinations.

Thank you so much for reading!

(my middle name is Earl)
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