A Life of Travel: Wander Across Iraq Tour, Where to Travel Alone and More!

A Life of Travel: Wander Across Iraq Tour, Where to Travel Alone and More!
Current location: Florida, USA
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A Life of Travel

It's Tuesday and it's time for a travel newsletter!
I Love Galgos
This past weekend I spent a few hours with a friend of mine in Fort Lauderdale and I had a chance to play around with her new dog. While that might not sound too thrilling, her new dog is a beautiful galgo. Galgos are a Spanish hunting breed that are often treated quite badly and discarded by hunters. Luckily, there are great organizations in Spain that take in these abandoned dogs, treat them and get them adopted by good people all over the world. And I am absolutely in love with these sweet dogs. If I ever stop traveling, one of the first things I will do is get a galgo of my own and this visit only increased my desire to do so!
Wander Across IRAQ Tour - 2023
I have now released the first set of 2023 Wandering Earl Tours. This includes the Iraq trip that we're running next March. That's right...Wandering Earl Tours has organized a Wander Across Iraq Tour with an epic itinerary! If this is something that catches your attention, be sure to check out the details :)
Suspended from Google Fi
For the past 5 years, I have used a service called Google Fi. This is a phone service (similar to any major network like T-Mobile, AT&T, Orange, Vodafone, etc) that allows me to have a data connection in almost every country I visit. I arrive somewhere, turn on my phone and I'm connected. 
Well, three weeks ago, I finally received 'the message'. This was a message that many long-term travelers ultimately receive from Google Fi informing them that their data service will be suspended. The reason is that I am using their data connection outside of the US more than I am using it inside the US, and this is technically not allowed. Somehow, I managed to get away with it for 5 years but now that has come to an end.
So, it's time to switch to a new method of staying connected while constantly traveling the world. Luckily, my new solution ended up being quite simple:
Google Fi - $20 per month = unlimited phone calls/texts in North America, unlimited texts overseas, phone calls at low rates while overseas (they are only suspending my data connection, not my regular phone service)
Airalo eSIM - $30 per month = 5GB of data that can be used in most countries around the world / since it's an eSIM, I simply download it to my phone and it works in conjunction with my physical Google Fi SIM card
It might sound complicated but it's actually relatively easy. And for only $50 per month, I'll remain connected to data basically everywhere I go, and I'll always be connected as soon as I arrive in each destination.
My Favorite Article of the Week
Here is an excellent article about a sailing race around the world. But it's also an article about how we perceive ourselves and more importantly, how we measure our success. The story is engaging and the lesson valuable, and it leaves you with some important things to think about.

I need to get a galgo!

around the globe

Where to Travel Alone
Experts have weighed in on the ideal locations for a one month solo trip.
Wealthy Tourists Only
Many countries are revamping their tourism strategies with the goal of attracting tourists with more money to spend. Are the days of Thailand and Bali being prime backpacker destinations over?
Hungary's Musical Highway
Take a drive on this stretch of highway and the road will sing to you a mighty fine tune.


Capital of Whiskey
After a near collapse of the industry, Dublin is now roaring back and staking its claim as the capital of whiskey.


Mount Everest With a Purpose
This is the story of the first all black expedition to ascend Mount Everest. It all took place this past May.


Underrated Travel Destinations
I'm always looking for random travel suggestions from other frequent travelers. This list of underrated destinations has some excellent places on it that often don't come to mind!
World's Most Remote Hotels
If you're looking to get away from civilization - far, far away - these remote accommodations will provide exactly that kind of experience.
The Most Impressive Crusader Castle
This article certainly brought me back in time... When I visited Syria, I went to this unbelieavble crusader castle twice because it was so impressive. 
where in the world?

More people guessed last week's photo than any other photo I've posted in the newsletter...so, a big congratulations to Mark, Beck, Yrene, Llisa, Sharyn, Kevan, Hemang, Audrey, Dominic, Chris, Penelope, Sita, Morgan, Glen, Kurt, Katie, Diana, Jan, Rob, Stefan, Robert, Malory, Mari, Matt, Kathy, Megan, Ann and Cindy for correctly guessing the location!
The image is of Three Sisters rock formation in the Blue Mountains of New South Wales, Australia!
And now...
This week's photo
Where in the world is it?
The Rules
1. Try to figure out where the above photo was taken.
2. Reply to this email with your guess.
3. The more specific the guess, the better!
4. The location will be revealed in next week's newsletter.

Good luck :)
This newsletter is always free but it does take time and money to put together. If you wish to help support it, kindly forward it to people you know, shop for my favorite travel gear (I receive a small cut), make a donation or join one of my unique small group trips to some spectacular destinations.

Thank you so much for reading!

(my middle name is Earl)
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