2012-09-04 09:55:09-04
Wandering Earl Oops. I forgot to publish a post yesterday. I wanted to write about my travel plans for the rest of the year but Monday came and went and between getting ready for my next set of travels and actually flying to my first destination, I apparently didn’t have any time to sit down and write something.
So, here we go, here are my travel plans for the next few months, one day late. Right now, I’m writing to you from Riga, Latvia where I’ll be spending another day before taking the bus to Tallinn, Estonia for a three-day visit. From Estonia, I’ll hop onto a Silja Line ferry that will take me to Finland, where I’ll visit Helsinki, Hanko, Turku and Tampere. Not only that but one of those nights will be spent sleeping in an old lighthouse keeper’s room at the ridiculously unique Bengtskar Lighthouse, which is located on a small rocky island in the Gulf of Finland, eighteen kilometers off the coast. Will this be the highlight of my trip? It certainly has potential, especially considering that the lighthouse has a sauna as well! On September 17th, I’ll fly back to Bucharest where I’ll spend another month before flying to the USA to visit my family for about eight days. Then, towards the end of October I shall fly to Delhi in order to meet the wonderful group of travelers who are taking part in my very first Wandering Earl Tour. Once the tour is over, my plan is to remain in India for a few more weeks. I hope to participate in another 10-day Vipassana meditation retreat and also visit some parts of the country that I have yet to experience. And that should take me to the end of the year…at which point, my plans end. I have no idea what I’ll be doing for New Year’s and as for next year, I’m still working on which parts of the world I’ll visit. However, one thing is certain. Due to all of the requests I’ve been receiving, I will definitely be offering more small group tours next year, so if you’re interested, please stay tuned. Once the destinations and dates are finalized, I shall announce it all right here on the blog of course. Actually, maybe you can help. So far I’m thinking that the next tour I’ll offer (around February/March) will be to either Thailand, Turkey, Mexico/Guatemala or another trip to India. If one of those options calls out to you, please let me know in the comments as that will give me a better idea of which destination I should choose next! Thank you as always and on Thursday I’ll publish a post about my time spent here in Riga, which has basically involved getting lost in the Old City and eating a lot of cake. Any preferences for my next tour? Please leave your thoughts below, not only about destinations, but also, which months work best for you if you’re interested. |