Two Big Announcements: Changes to the Newsletter and I'm Moving to Mexico

Two Big Announcements: Changes to the Newsletter and I'm Moving to Mexico

It's been two full weeks in the USA and I already have two big announcements:   
Name change
This newsletter is now called "A Life of Travel". This new name is more in line with what this newsletter is all about. Travel is my life and I want to share it with all of you in the hope that it can be useful in some way for your own travels. Please keep an eye out for the words "A Life of Travel" in the subject line of future newsletters!
New sections
With the new name comes an improved newsletter. You'll start to notice new sections (that I'm very excited about!) as I aim to create the best travel newsletter possible. The cool thing is that the changes are based on feedback and requests I've received from many of you, all of which I genuinely appreciate.
If there's something you'd like to see in these newsletters and haven't let me know already, please get in touch. I'm always listening!
Are you surprised that after 2 weeks, I've decided to move on? 
Playa del Carmen, Mexico here I come...on August 31st.
With my tour business significantly slowed down, I need somewhere to call home for the rest of the year. While I initially thought I would stay in the US, I quickly realized the challenges of living here, especially during these unique times. Short-term rents are extremely high, I would most likely need a car and my friends are scattered all over the country, making it very difficult to decide where to go. 
On the other hand, I already know Playa del Carmen very well from my previous stints living there. I love the lifestyle, I know people there and the cost of living is excellent. Also, it seems the Covid-19 situation is under control in Playa at the moment, making it a good time for me to get there and settle in.
And yes, I'll be taking Matcha with me of course!
Would you travel on this new, epic bus service from London to New Delhi?

Yes, UK to India overland, 70 days, stops in 18 countries, 20,000 kms, all on a luxury, fully-equipped bus. It launches next year if you're interested!
The beautiful public beach in the center of Playa del Carmen, Mexico.
I've now been using Club 1 Hotels to get wholesale rates on hotels around the world for about 2 years. It's a lesser-known booking platform but the savings are often significant. You need to sign up, however, they've offered a completely free Silver Membership to all of my readers (no credit card needed at all).

They're also offering an additional 10% off all rates until September 7th, for any 2021 hotel booking. It's all free so if you need to book any hotels, it's worth checking out.
Here's the rest of this week's travel email...
This frequently updated and detailed blog post remains my favorite article about offbeat destinations around the world that are worth visiting.
The head baker on the Titanic was one of the last people off the ship as he made sure there was enough bread for those in lifeboats. He then survived in the frigid water for 3 hours.
It's one of my absolute favorite destinations on the planet but few people know the actual history of the once-lost city of Petra.
In parts of the Amazon Rainforest, parrots lick clay. I said it...parrots lick clay. You can go and witness this strange occurrence, with the most accessible location being the Tambopata National Reserve in Peru.
The Mendenhall Glacier in Alaska, with its frozen lake and surreal ice caves, should be on any winter lover's travel list.
George Cruickshank marked off a section of his mother's backyard in Australia and declared it the nation of Atlantium. Thirty years later he has 3000 citizens and continues to promote his founding, and admirable, vision of helping people reach their fullest potential.
The Lencois Maranhenses National Park in northern Brazil is home to a unique desert of white sand dunes and endless water formations that grow in size and come in all kinds of beautiful colors.
On that note...remember that despite all of the negativity out there, the world remains a magical place. Have a great Tuesday!
*If you received this email from someone else and would like to sign up, simply visit A Life of Travel.
Wandering Earl Tours - Ready to join one of my small-group tours to some really cool destinations around the world once this current global situation has passed?
Travel Insurance - Be sure to check out Safety Wing, my personal favorite for incredibly affordable travel insurance.
Cruise ship jobs - While cruise lines are not hiring right now, they will be hiring thousands of new crew members once they start up again. My popular e-Guide How to Work on a Cruise Ship will help you get a rewarding job on board a cruise ship once the time is right.
Travel resources - My updated Travel Resources with the booking sites, gear, apps and more that I use on my own travels.