Video: Announcing My Travel Plans From The Bathtub

Mailer 04
Wandering Earl

Video: Announcing My Travel Plans From The Bathtub


2012-06-22 09:55:13-04

Wandering Earl

Now that I’ve finalized my travel plans for the next month or so, I wanted to announce the destinations I’ll be visiting. And what better way to do so than from the bathtub…

**(If you’re reading this post via email, please click here to watch the video.)**

Summary of the video:

  • Me singing Bon Jovi with my rubber duck.
  • A mention of the destinations I’ll be visiting in July – Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo.
  • Asking if any of you live in these locations, and if so, maybe we can meet up.
  • Wondering if anyone has any recommendations of places to visit?
  • Brief argument with my rubber duck.
  • Announcement of a new video and photo series on the blog that will start during my July travels.
  • Finish shampooing my hair.

Have a great weekend everyone!


  [email protected]