Work Exchange Opportunities, International Driving Permits, Bargain Flights and More!

Work Exchange Opportunities, International Driving Permits, Bargain Flights and More!
Wandering Earl Travel Email

Since I got back from Morocco, I've spent my time trying to stay warm (it's only 14C / 55F, but that's cold to me), finalizing some tours for next year and taking random walks.
But today I'm off to the police station to finally pick up my Spanish residency card. I will then be officially official here!
Work a little, stay for free!
Do you remember I mentioned Worldpackers a couple of months ago? They offer work exchange opportunities all over the world based on your interests and skills. The feedback from travelers has been excellent and I'm happy to see they've been growing fast! (The discount links above still work - 1 year membership for only $29!)
Drivers beware
For non-EU travelers who might rent a car while in Europe, I highly recommend getting an International Driving Permit. More countries, such as Greece and Spain, are enforcing this requirement and you can face heavy fines without one. (US citizens can apply through AAA.)

On the move
Finally, while I've stayed put this past week, my friends are on the move: one is in the middle of the Shikoku 88 Temple Pilgrimage, a 1200km hike in Japan (yes, he's loving it!) and another raved about his recent trip to the stunning Scottish Highlands.

Scottish Highlands
The Scottish Highlands...need to get there one day!

The rest of this week's travel email...

Bargain Travel Deals
I came across Travel Pirates, which seems to show the absolute best travel deals available, including flights, vacations, hotels and more (e.g. USA-Madrid for $224 RT). Choose your country at the top and the deals appear!
Space Tourism
An interesting read about the history and future of space tourism. Would you go?
A Free Eco-Adventure
One company is offering a free eco-adventure to Hawaii for the right traveler. You can apply until November 18th!
The intriguing story of how nachos were invented involves the strong unity between two towns on the US/Mexico border. 
Take a Tourist Pledge
These 9 countries ask (or even require) tourists to take a pledge that they will behave well and act responsibly during their visit.
Lost City
Using new technology, even more details have emerged about Cambodia's lost city of Mahendraparvata, which lies below the jungle.
Freelancer Tips
If you're thinking of becoming a freelancer, here's some useful guidance to help you get organized quickly.

Please let me know if you have any questions or just want to say hi!

Earl | Facebook

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Cruise ship jobs - Save money and travel the world! My popular e-Guide "How to Work on a Cruise Ship" helps you get a rewarding job on board a cruise ship.
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